Donate to Mischief Makers
Contributing your items to our makerspace won't just clear your clutter, they’ll fuel creativity, promote zero-waste living, and help build a more sustainable future. Donations we receive will be used in our kids programming, weekend workshops, or redistributed through our community through mutual aid programs and our upcycle shop.
Upcycled goods to help your community
We're currently making some changes to our studio AND our donations guidelines. We've made the difficult decision to pause donations while we sort out what we have and determine what we can use.
In the meantime, please send us an email if you have questions, or sign up for our newsletter and be the first to know when our donations program is back up and running!
Our Wish List
Please have a read before you drop anything off at the space.
Coming soon!
Donations Guidelines
Interested in participating in the circular economy? Your generous donations foster learning and creativity while keeping waste out of the landfill. Our makers use the things you no longer need to strengthen their creative muscles through tinkering, building, crafting, and more.
While we would love nothing more than to collect and repurpose every second-hand item and bit of recycling, unfortunate constraints like time and space mean we need to set some specific limits. Please be sure to read the guidelines below before you bring donations to our space.
Items must:
be thoroughly cleaned and dried. This applies not only to recycled materials like food jars and bottles, but also to fabrics, tools, games, and anything that may have acquired dust or dirt in its original home.
come from a smoke-free environment.
on our list of accepted items. If you have something you think we might be able to use, but don't see it on our list, please send us an email first.
When collecting items for donation, please consider the following:
We are currently accepting the following:
Cereal Boxes and frozen food boxes
Corrugated cardboard (large)
Styrofoam plates and styrofoam takeout containers
Paper bags (no grease marks)
Toiler paper and paper towel rolls (the cardboard tubes)
Screw top plastic jars (coffee and peanut butter jars)
Acrylic paints
Watercolour paints
Sewing notions
Pop tabs
Pop bottle caps
Pop/beer metal caps
Tin boxes (pencil boxes, mint tins)
Wood working tools (chisels, gauges, lathe tools)
K'nexx and Lego (especially the flat top Lego pieces)